Voting Information
Jonesfield Township has one precinct for voting, and it is at the township hall. Contact Kari Clark, Township Clerk to register to vote or for absentee voting information at 989-928-1081.
2024 Property Tax Information
Winter taxes and unpaid Summer Taxes are now due and payable through the 28 th day of February. Summer taxes not previously deferred will be assessed interest and penalty. Checks or money orders can be mailed to the Township office at 217 N. Eddy St, P.O. Box 117, Merrill, MI 48637 NO CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please send the bottom portion of your tax bill to the Treasurer and keep the top portion for your records. The Treasurer will also be collecting taxes on the following dates at the Township office.
- December 12 5:00-7:00
- December 27 9:00-5:00
- January 18 9:00-12:00
- January 30 5:00-7:00
- February 15 9:00-12:00
- February 28 9:00-5:00
You can call or email for an appointment at 989-249-3406 or Tax payments after March 1st can no longer be accepted by the Township Treasurer, but must be paid, with penalty to the Saginaw County Treasurer’s Office, Governmental Center, 111 S. Michigan Avenue, Saginaw, Michigan 48602, 989-790-5225.
Poverty Exempt Information and Forms
Poverty Exempt Tax Payer Sheet
Poverty Exempt Affidavit
Poverty Exempt Application
Affirmation of Occupancy